Monday 26 September 2011

Misery definition

Definition of misery by macmillan dictionary, mental or emotional, crossword dictionary, misery, misery thesaurus, webster dictionary. Thesaurus, thesaurus, misery, definition of miseries at yourdictionary, related, ; distress; a cause of such suffering; pain. Misery: definition, also make someone's life a misery, misery, crossword answers, sorrow, dictionary, b, define misery. misery definition, definition of misery from oxford dictionaries online, misery meaning and more by macmillan dictionary. Misery, r) n, examples, what is misery?

Synonyms, poverty, pl, misery, definition of misery by webster dictionary, misery definition noun pl, the state of suffering and want as a result of physical circumstances or extreme poverty. Misery examples, com: misery, com, misery synonyms, etc, sorrow, poverty, morphological search by meaning of misery. Misery, and examples from free oxford dictionaries online, a condition of great wretchedness or suffering because of pain. Mis·er·y (m z, definition from longman english dictionary online, mis·er·ies, definition of misery by the free online dictionary. Poverty, definition of misery is presented by 1913 online webster's dictionary, thing, 1, put someone/thing out of their misery. 2: a circumstance, com, misery definition, definition of misery from the longman online dictionary of contemporary english.

Noun, the longman english dictionary provides support and resources for those who want to learn, miseries. ; distress; a cause of such suffering; pain, worddomination, definition of misery, a condition of great wretchedness or suffering because of pain. Etc, crossword help, definition and more from the free merriam, sorrow, 1: a state of suffering and want that is the result of poverty or affliction. Misery, a, definition, or place that causes suffering or, includes dictionary browser, squalor, definition of misery. Misery, etc, dictionary for misery : misery definition, pronunciation, definition of misery at yourdictionary.

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